Helping Alaskans Relieve Their Back Pain Since 2001


(if necessary)


Initial Pain

Alaska Back Pain Protocol

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introducing the Alaska Back Pain Protocol (ABPP)

Our proprietary protocol has helped over 11,000 Alaskans find relief from back pain. We do this using a proven combination of chiropractic adjustments, massage therapy, non-surgical spinal decompression, and physical therapy.

By combining these different modalities under one roof, we make sure you get the ultimate care without the hassle of visiting multiple offices.

Here’s what you can expect when you sign up for the Alaska Back Pain Protocol:


It reduces inflammation and promotes healing so you can experience relief quickly.


By reducing irritation and inflammation it allows you to enjoy an improved range of motion and flexibility.


The ABPP keeps your spine healthy, which can help prevent degenerative diseases such as arthritis and spinal stenosis.


This gentle and safe protocol is pain-free, so you don’t have to worry about pain or discomfort during treatment.


It’s not a temporary fix — the ABPP is designed for long-term spinal health. This includes exercises you can do at home to keep your spine healthy.


Better Health Chiropractic Anchorage


8840 Old Seward Hwy, Suite E, Anchorage, AK 99515 (in the South Anchorage Retail Plaza, near Walmart, south of the Dimond Center)

Better Health Chiropractic Juneau


2201 Dunn Street, #2, Juneau, Alaska 99801 (across from the Frontier Suites)

Why Choose Us?

Better Health Chiropractic & Physical Rehab in Anchorage, Alaska welcomes clients with friendly staff members, amazing doctors, and
multiple treatment options that are convenient and provide lasting pain relief.

Get-a-Ride Promise

Get-a-Ride Promise ensures you will get to and from your appointment without any cost to you.

10-Minute Promise

10-Minute Promise means you will be seen in a timely fashion or else your appointment is free!

First-Visit Promise

First-Visit Promise ensures you will be 100% satisfied with your care or you will be refunded!

Same-Day Promise

Same-Day Promise guarantees you will be seen on the same day you call for an appointment.

Get-a-Ride Promise

Get-a-Ride Promise ensures you will get to and from your appointment without any cost to you.

10-Minute Promise

10-Minute Promise means you will be seen in a timely fashion or else your appointment is free!

First-Visit Promise

First-Visit Promise ensures you will be 100% satisfied with your care or you will be refunded!

Same-Day Promise

Same-Day Promise guarantees you will be seen on the same day you call for an appointment.


“It’s been a long haul and probably would have been longer if not for the Alaska Back Pain Protocol. What a great plan! I would not hesitate for a moment to recommend it.”


-Donna T.

“I have suffered from low back pain for two years. Everyday was a bad day for me. I couldn’t do everyday things like housework, enjoying my grandchild, shopping, etc. I found out about the Alaska Back Pain Protocol option in the local newspaper, while..


-Kathy Harrington

“I have had sciatica over the past 12 years off and on. I have had chronic lower back pain for the past 3 years. I have tried chiropractic and muscle relaxants without any lasting success. Standing and walking had become difficult to do without pain…


-Carrie Calmere

“Before I had my first Alaska Back Pain Protocol treatments two weeks ago I was in great pain in my mid and lower back extending all the way down the left leg to my ankle. After the very first sessions of chiropractic, the non-surgical ….


-Caryl F.

Get to know Dr. Brent Wells

Dr. Brent Wells, D.C. founded Better Health Chiropractic & Physical Rehab with his amazing wife Coni in Anchorage in 1998. He received his B.S. from the University of Nevada (where they met), and his doctorate from the Western States Chiropractic College in Portland, Oregon. When he isn’t with his family, building his ongoing professional education, or helping folks at the clinic, he’s either doing something community-centered or playing blues/rock guitar.


We work with almost every insurance company, including the most common ones listed for Private Insurance, Workers’ Compensation Insurance, and Auto Insurance. Both Auto and Workers’ Compensation are usually covered 100%!

Questions About Your Insurance?

If you have private health insurance, let us check your insurance for you!
  • Most people pay just $25 to $40 per visit.
  • Some copays are as little as $0.
  • All our fees cover chiropractic care, massage, AND physical therapy modalities- most even on the same visit.
  • Covered by Aetna? Aetna covers almost half of our patients. Our Aetna patient’s co-pays and insurance coverage are similar to in-network Blue Cross coverage.
  • Have Medicare? Medicare Part B plans now cover many chiropractic modalities.
  • Because of current insurance changes, we provide many services for free if your insurance doesn’t cover them.
  • If your care doesn’t seem affordable, talk to your doctor. We’ll get you the care you need at a price you can afford.


Josh had been seeking help at another chiropractic facility for his hip and low back pain, but just wasn’t getting the results he was looking for. “A significant difference in the care that I was provided with at Better Health compared to the other chiropractic center, I believe, had to do with the time staff members took to listen to my concerns and feedback.”

For about 10 months, Josh had experienced pain in his hips and lower back making it hard for him to enjoy his hobbies and to do basic daily activities. After receiving chiropractic care, rehabilitative therapy, and the DRS low back treatment at Better Health, Josh said it made a 100% improvement. “They provided me with long-term activities to complete that will help me regulate my own pain and wellness. The staff at Better Health treated me very well throughout my treatment. The staff members listened and adjusted my treatment based on my feedback and progress. I have recommended Better Health to close friends and co-workers.”

-Josh Fremin

After her car accident, Mary Jane was in pain every day. She couldn’t sit for very long before her lower back would go numb. Her neck hurt while reading and she got headaches when using the computer, something which impacted her work performance. She even had to turn her entire body to check her side mirror while driving because turning her head was simply too painful. After a month of living in pain and trying to minimize it with painkillers, Mary Jane found Better Health Chiropractic & Physical Rehab. After a treatment course including chiropractic care, rehabilitative therapy, and massage therapy, Mary Jane was well on her way to recovery. Her posture improved, she could read without pain, and her headaches had decreased significantly. Best of all, she could finally turn her head painlessly again while driving. “I believe in chiropractic care more than ever. It helped me and it will help you, too. Better Health offers excellent care you can feel.”

– Mary Jane

Stephanie was suffering from numbness and shooting pain in her arm. She even had neck pain which was causing debilitating migraines and headaches. In addition to all of this, Stephanie had to deal with sharp shooting pain in her lower back. “I tried not to let it keep me from my hobbies or daily activities, but I guess it did. I did not swim as much and I had trouble sleeping. I did not read as often due to headaches and stiffness.” Stephanie had tried medications and had seen a chiropractor in the past, but hadn’t gotten the relief she was seeking until she came to Better Health Chiropractic & Physical Rehab. Her treatment plan (which blended chiropractic care, physical therapy, and massage therapy) gave her significant pain relief and also helped her improve her long-term health so she could avoid surgery and other invasive treatments. “The Better Health staff was excellent in providing total care. They were flexible with my schedule and I was able to get in and out when needed. I even enjoyed and looked forward to most of my visits!”

– Stephanie Foote

Vicki was in constant agony. She suffered from pain radiating throughout her legs, lower back, and neck. To relieve it, Vicki tried to medicate herself with painkillers every four hours. “I wasn’t able to sit long, I couldn’t hike more than a quarter-mile, and I couldn’t stand on both feet at the same time. I was in pain!” Her father and brother both had surgery in the past, but Vicki believed chiropractic care could help her avoid it. When her daughter recommended Better Health Chiropractic & Physical Rehab, Vicki made an appointment. At Better Health, Vicki received chiropractic care, rehabilitative therapy, and the DRS low back pain treatment and was pleased with the results. “I have never used the DRS before, but I ended up looking forward to the treatments which made working possible. I have lost a few pounds because of being able to move and therefore feel better. I am able to hike more often and go on bike rides. When I feel discomfort, I know how to move and stretch to make my body work better.” Vicki also claims the staff was a joy to be around – “They were very gentle, encouraging, and positive.”

– Vicki Workman

Casey had lived with her low and mid-back pain for 15 years. Pain management injections hadn’t worked and physical therapy alone hadn’t offered lasting results. Besides this, a disctrode procedure didn’t provide relief. Despite all of these treatments, she still couldn’t walk her dog and had to learn to operate her sewing machine with her left foot. She couldn’t sit or stand for more than 10 minutes without experiencing pain and she avoided driving and climbing stairs unless she absolutely had to. Her life finally began to change after she sought help at Better Health Chiropractic & Physical Rehab. Her treatment plan, which incorporated chiropractic care, physical therapy, massage therapy, and the DRS low back pain treatment, brought Casey pain relief and many other benefits. The stay-at-home mom said her energy level increased, her posture and appearance improved, and she can do things she wasn’t able to before. “There are many options one can choose from at Better Health. The staff seemed concerned about the health of individuals and they are willing to change treatments if needed.”

– Casey Youngberg

Injections, traction, medication – none of it worked. For five years, William had experienced pain in his lower back, abdomen, and knees. It kept him from sitting or standing comfortably and he was sometimes reduced to simply lying on his stomach. It wasn’t until William came to Better Health Chiropractic & Physical Rehab that he found a solution that actually worked. The Better Health staff developed a multi-disciplinary treatment plan for William that incorporated chiropractic care, physical therapy, massage therapy, and the DRS low back pain treatment. “Slowly and steadily I was able to return to my normal daily activities as if I was never hurt.”

Today, William enjoys improved mobility and abdominal strength, as well as superb long-term health. He said Better Health also helped him avoid surgery, prevent reinjury, and allowed him to continue working. “I like Better Health’s full-on, multi-faceted plan to recovery and their approach to overall health.”

– William A

Charlotte had been living with low back pain since her first child was born 24 years ago. But it was the additional pain she experienced after a car accident that finally brought her to Better Health Chiropractic & Physical Rehab. “Before I came to Better Health, I couldn’t play on the floor with my four-year-old or even do yard work. Standing hurt my lower back and sleeping was hard. I woke up at least three times a night with back pain.” That all changed with the chiropractic care, physical therapy, and massage therapy Charlotte received at Better Health. After her treatment, Charlotte said she had made a 100% recovery. She also found that the care improved her long-term health, helped her avoid invasive treatments, prevented reinjury, allowed her to continue working, and saved her money. “I was very afraid to have my neck and back ‘popped’, but it worked so well. I should have come years ago. I tell everyone about Better Health.”

– Charlotte

Julie came into Better Health Chiropractic & Physical Rehab with severe neck pain. She left her treatment with more confidence and a significant improvement in how she felt. Julie’s injuries stemmed from a car accident and her pain had been keeping her from sitting comfortably, driving safely, and playing with her daughter. The staff at Better Health was able to help by implementing a multidisciplinary treatment plan of chiropractic care, rehabilitative therapy, and massage therapy. Afterward, Julie declared her posture and long-term health improved and she felt 100% better. “I am very pleased with the care and treatment I have received.”

– Julie Counter

After his treatment at Better Health Chiropractic & Physical Rehab, Dan joked he was able to leap tall buildings, dodge bullets, and balance his checkbook. “In all seriousness though, my overall physical abilities have been restored.” Before seeking help at Better Health, Dan was experiencing extreme pain in his lower back. “I was walking like an 80-year-old. All my activities were restricted.” Having had previous success with the DRS low back pain treatment, Dan knew it worked and came back. In addition to the DRS treatment, Dan received physical therapy and MCU neck pain therapy which completely eradicated his pain. “It was outstanding treatment and had highly professional and personable care. DRS has worked for me twice now.”

– Dan R

You Don’t Have to Live with Chronic Back Pain! We Have Helped Thousands of Alaskans Just Like You Using the Proven Alaska Back Pain Protocol Method.

Click Here to Sign Up for the Back Pain Relief Special Offer! 

Better Health Chiropractic & Physical Rehab

8840 Old Seward Highway, Suite E Anchorage, AK 99515