Chiropractor for Bulging Disc in Anchorage, AK
Proven Long-Lasting Bulging Disc Treatment
Since 1998, we’ve treated and healed thousands of disc problems – including bulging discs – a common cause of low back pain in many people.
Have you ever felt pain in your lower back? Or have you felt a tingling sensation in the legs or the fingers? A bulging disc may be to blame. If it’s in the back, tingling in the legs is common. In the neck, tingling in the fingers is also common. Muscle weakness is another symptom that many people experience.
Tingling and muscle weakness are not only aggravating but also potentially dangerous. They indicate that the bulging disc is pressing in on a nerve, which needs to be dealt with as soon as possible.
Fortunately, though, there are ways of treating a bulging disc. Your local Better Health Alaska Chiropractors has a number of techniques at their disposal. Contact us to make an appointment.

Better Health Alaska: What to Expect?
No one wants to experience pain or the trials of a surgery. Fortunately, we are well equipped to help you avoid both.
Your First Visit
Your first visit will begin with a medical history and a frank discussion of your symptoms. Our chiropractor will also perform an exam and render a diagnosis. From there, he/she will recommend a treatment program.
The treatment will likely run the gamut through several different types of therapies. Your chiropractor, for example, might prescribe:
- Chiropractic treatments for strengthening,
- Massage therapy to assist healing,
- Or even simple, sound lifestyle advice.
That last, advice, should not be overlooked. There are many simple things you can do that, if done consistently, can have a profound effect on your bulging disc. These include:
- Sleeping in the correct position,
- Eating better,
- Minding your posture,
- Exercising better,
- And more ….
If faithfully implemented, these measures can help reverse and heal your bulging disc and get you back to living your best possible life.
Benefits of Regular Chiropractic Treatment for a Bulging Disc
The most important thing to do, though, is to follow your doctor’s (in this case, your chiropractor’s) advice and stick to the treatment plan. Also, when considering chiropractic care, please note that chiropractic care can be used not only for treatment, but also for prevention.
A regular chiropractic regimen is an excellent adjunct to a regular exercise routine with similar, perhaps even augmented, results. like:
- Improved posture
- Improved flexibility
- Stronger immune system
- Reduced tension
- And more…
Our expert team at Better Health Alaska can get you on the road to recovery. To find long-lasting relief from a bulging disc or other issue contact us at 907-346-5255.
Visit Better Health Alaska
South Anchorage
- 8840 Old Seward Hwy E, Anchorage, Alaska 99515
- Phone: 907-346-5255
- Open Hours: 9AM to 7PM
Conditions Helped by Chiropractors:
Same-Day Chiropractic Appointment. 10-Minute Wait Promise.
Better Health Alaska Chiropractors has helped thousands of patients get their life back through safe, effective, and cutting-edge treatments like the Alaska Back Pain Protocol. We use a multi-pronged, non-invasive approach to treat different conditions. And it’s done at a reasonable cost. We accept many types of insurance, and most insured patients pay $25 or less per visit. We even have options for the uninsured.