Patient Reviews & Success Stories
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We invite you to join over 10,000+ Alaskans who have benefited from the care of the chiropractic and physical rehab team in Anchorage, Juneau & Wasilla at Better Health Chiropractic & Physical Rehab. We’re now able to serve more patients than ever after opening our Wasilla location in 2015!
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FREE One-Hour Massage Certificate
That’s right! Receive a certificate for a free one-hour massage with one of our highly-trained, professional, and licensed massage therapists for use after your first appointment. You can use it yourself, or give it to one of your family or friends for them to use!
Josh had been seeking help at another chiropractic facility for his hip and low back pain, but just wasn’t getting the results he was “A significant difference in the care that I was provided with at Better Health as compared to other chiropractic centers, I believe, had to do with the time staff members took to listen to my concerns and feedback,” Josh said. For about 10 months, Josh had experienced pain in his hips and low back, making his hobbies and daily activities uncomfortable. After receiving chiropractic care, rehabilitative therapy and DRS low back pain treatment at Better Health, Josh said he had made a 100 percent improvement. Plus, “they provided me with long-term activities to complete that will help me regulate my own pain and wellness.” “The staff at Better Health treated me very well throughout my treatment. Staff members listened and adjusted my treatment based on my feedback and progress,” Josh said. “I have recommended Better Health to close friends and co-workers.”
– Josh Fremin
After her car accident, Mary Jane was in pain every day. She couldn’t sit for very long before her low back would go numb. Her neck hurt while reading. She got headaches when using the computer, impacting her work performance. She even had to turn her entire body to check her side mirror while driving, as turning her head was simply too painful. After a month of living in pain and trying to minimize it with pain-killers, Mary Jane found Better Health Chiropractic & Physical Rehab. After a treatment course including chiropractic care, rehabilitative therapy and massage therapy, Mary Jane was well on her way to recovery. Her posture was improved. She could read without pain. Her headaches had decreased significantly. And she could finally turn her head easily and painlessly again while driving. “I believe in chiropractic care more than ever,” Mary Jane said. “It helped me – it will help you, too. Better Health offers excellent care you can feel.”
– Mary Jane
Stephanie was suffering from numbness and shooting pain in her arm. Her neck pain was causing migraines and headaches. And she had sharp, shooting pain in her lower back. “I tried not to let it keep me from my hobbies or daily activities, but I guess it did. I did not swim as often and I had trouble sleeping. I did not read as often due to headaches and stiffness,” she said. Stephanie had tried medication and seen a chiropractor in the past, but hadn’t gotten the relief she was seeking until she came to Better Health Chiropractic & Physical Rehab. Her treatment plan, which blended chiropractic care, physical therapyand massage therapy, gave her significant pain relief and also helped her improve her long-term health and avoid surgery or other invasive treatments. “The Better Health staff was excellent in providing total care,” she said. “They were flexible with my schedule, and I was able to get in and out when needed. I even enjoyed and looked forward to most of my visits!”
– Stephanie Foote
Scrapbooking. Computer work. Exercising at Curves. Sleeping through the night. These were just some of the things Joanne was giving up due to her low back pain. “The pain was so severe, it prevented me from doing something as simple as taking a walk,” she said. “Many nights, I was unable to sleep more than two hours without waking up to pain.” Joanne had undergone low back surgery in the past – and it wasn’t an experience she wanted to repeat, if at all possible. Instead, she sought the help of the experts at Better Health Chiropractic & Physical Rehab. There, she received a range of multi-disciplinary treatments, including chiropractic care, physical therapy, massage therapy and DRS low back pain treatment. The result? Improvement of her pain and her long-term health, ability to continue with her daily responsibilities and activities – and avoidance of another invasive surgery. “I think this is the best alternative to surgery. This practice has all the latest knowledge and training to provide excellent care. In the end, the results are great. Plus, it’s the friendliest medical office I’ve ever been in!” Joanne said.
– Joanne McAuliff
After his treatment at Better Health Chiropractic & Physical Rehab, Dan joked he was able to “leap tall buildings, dodge bullets, balance my checkbook…” But in all seriousness, “my overall physical abilities have been restored,” Dan said. Before seeking help at Better Health, Dan was experiencing extreme pain in his low back. “I was walking like an 80 year old. All my activities were restricted,” he said. Having had previous success with DRS low back pain treatment, Dan “knew it worked, so I came back.” In addition to DRS, Dan also received chiropractic care, physical therapy and MCU neck pain therapy, which resulted in a 100 percent improvement in his pain. “It was outstanding treatment, and highly professional and personable care,” Dan said. “DRS has worked for me twice now.”
– Dan R
Casey had lived with her low and mid-back pain for 15 years. Pain management injections hadn’t worked. Physical therapy alone hadn’t offered lasting results. A disctrode procedure didn’t offer relief. After all that, she still couldn’t walk her dog. She had to learn to operate her sewing machine with her left foot. She couldn’t sit or stand for longer than 10 minutes without pain. And she didn’t drive or climb stairs unless she absolutely had to. Her life finally began to change after she sought help at Better Health Chiropractic & Physical Rehab. Her treatment plan, which incorporated chiropractic care, physical therapy, massage therapy and DRS low back pain treatment, brought Casey pain relief – and many other benefits. The stay-at-home mom said her energy level increased, her posture and appearance improved, and she can do things she wasn’t able to before. “There are many options one can choose from at Better Health. The staff seemed concerned about the health of individuals, and they are willing to change treatments if needed,” Casey said.
– Casey Youngberg
“I like Better Health’s full-on, multi-faceted plan to recovery, and their approach to overall health.” Injections. Traction. Medication. None of it worked. For five years, William had experienced pain in his low back, abdomen and knee. It kept him from sitting or standing comfortably, and he was sometimes reduced to simply laying on his stomach. It wasn’t until William came to Better Health CHiropractic & Physical Rehab that he found a solution that actually worked. The Better Health staff developed a multi-disciplinary treatment plan for William that incorporated chiropractic care, physical therapy, massage therapy and DRS low back pain treatment. “Slowly and steadily I was able to return to my normal daily activities as if I was never hurt,” William said. Today, William enjoys improved mobility and abdominal strength, as well as improved long-term health. He said Better Health also helped him avoid surgery, prevented re-injury and helped him continue working. “I like Better Health’s full-on, multi-faceted plan to recovery, and their approach to overall health,”
– William A
Charlotte had been living with low back pain since her first child was born 24 years ago. But it was the additional pain she experienced after a car accident that finally brought her to Better Health Chiropractic & Physical Rehab. “Before I came to Better Health, I couldn’t play on the floor with my 4-year-old. I couldn’t do yard work. Standing hurt my lower back and sleeping was hard. I woke up at least three times a night with back pain,” she said. That all changed with the chiropractic care, physical therapy and massage therapy Charlotte received at Better Health. After her treatment, Charlotte said she’d made a 100 percent improvement. Plus, she said the care improved her long-term health, helped her avoid invasive treatments, prevented re-injury, allowed her to continue working, and saved her money. “I was very afraid to have my neck and back ‘popped,’ but it worked so well, I should have come years ago,” she said. “I tell everyone about Better Health.”
– Charlotte
Julie came into Better Health Chiropractic & Physical Rehab with very severe neck pain. She left with more confidence and a 100 percent improvement in how she felt. Julie’s injuries stemmed from a car accident, and her pain had been keeping her from sitting comfortably, driving safely and playing with her daughter. The staff at Better Health was able to help by implementing a multidisciplinary treatment plan ofchiropractic care, rehabilitative therapy andmassage therapy. Afterwards, Julie said her posture was improved, she improved her long-term health, and she felt 100 percent better. “I am very pleased with the care and treatment I have received,” she said
– Julie Counter
When Angela came to Better Health Chiropractic & Physical Rehab, her normal life had nearly ground to a halt due to the excruciating pain in her neck, low back and hips following a car accident. She couldn’t sleep comfortably. Playing with her kids and caring for her baby was excessively difficult. Housework was nearly impossible. And her work as a hairstylist was painful. Using a combination of chiropractic care, physical therapy, massage therapy and DRS low back pain treatment, the Better Health staff was able to help Angela return to her pain-free life. After treatment, Angela’s posture was straighter, she had lost weight, was able to work more, and could play with her children again. Plus, she said the Better Health staff had become like family to her. “When I first came here, I was nearly immobile. Now I can touch my toes without pain – something I haven’t done for years! My progress has surprised me immensely,” Angela said.
– Angela Brown
Vicki was in constant pain. It radiated down both legs, through her lower back and up into her neck, and she had to medicate herself with pain killers every four hours. “I wasn’t able to sit long, I couldn’t hike more than a quarter mile, I couldn’t stand on both feet at the same time. I was in pain!” she said. Her father and brother had both had surgery in the past, but Vicki believed chiropractic care could help her avoid surgery. So when her daughter recommended Better Health Chiropractic & Physical Rehab, Vicki made an appointment. At Better Health, Vicki received chiropractic care,rehabilitative therapy and DRS low back pain treatment – and was pleased with the results. “I have never used the DRS before, but I ended up looking forward to the treatment. The treatments made working possible,” she said. “I have lost a few pounds because of being able to move and therefore feel better. I am able to hike more often and bike ride. When I hurt, I know how to move and stretch to make my body work better.” Plus, the “staff was a joy to be around. Very gentle, encouraging and positive,” she said