The Best Ways to Sit and Sleep With a Herniated Disc

Feeling Weird Due to Toxic Release After Chiropractic Adjustment?

When a herniated disc causes you pain it can be nearly impossible to find relief. Sitting down doesn’t seem to help. Neither does laying down. This can make every hour of the day an exercise in pain. Luckily, there are ways you can find relief both sitting and sleeping. Read on to discover the best […]

Losing Weight to Relieve Sciatica: The Truth

A woman in athletic apparel holding the back of her right leg and looking to be in pain.

Back pain has been and will continue to be the number one cause of temporary disability among workers all over the world since the back is a complex and interconnected system, especially if you’re overweight. This leads people to ask: Will losing weight help relieve sciatica? there are a lot of ways it can cause […]

How Chiropractic Care Can Help Knee Pain?

How Chiropractic Care Can Help Knee Pain?

We don’t often associate knee pain and chiropractic care. There’s a misconception that chiropractors work only on the back and neck. The truth is that doctors of chiropractic are trained to treat the entire musculoskeletal system. You could call them joint specialists. Read on to discover how chiropractic care can help knee pain. A chiropractor […]

Pinched Nerve in Neck and Shoulder Relief Tips

Get Rid of Pinched Nerve in Neck and Shoulder With These 6 Secrets

A pinched nerve in the neck and shoulder can make for a very painful few days or weeks. Sometimes they go away on their own but are likely to come back unless their cause is discovered and dealt with appropriately. Read on for relief tips, symptoms, treatment options, and best practices for a pinched nerve […]

Quick Fixes for a Pulled Shoulder Muscle

Quick Fixes for a Pulled Shoulder Muscle

The shoulder joint has several different muscles that help it to move, protect it, and allow it the wide range of motion it enjoys. When one or more of these muscles is pulled or strained it can affect even the smallest movements. As a result, a pulled shoulder muscle can make simple activities difficult, painful, […]

How to Sleep with Neck Pain Fast (in Five Minutes or Less)

How to Sleep with Neck Pain Fast (in Five Minutes or Less)

At one time or another, everyone will wake up with neck pain. The first thing most people say is “I must have slept on it wrong” and this could very well be the case.  However, if you find yourself waking up most morning with neck pain or if neck pain appears to be a consistent […]

What is a Diffuse Disc Bulge? 

A woman being threated in her neck from a chiropractor while lying face up on a massage bed.

You may be spending more time at home due to the coronavirus, but you notice that you are having pain in the hip and down the back of your leg. Or maybe you are having tingling or numbness in the neck, shoulders, fingers, or arms.  While these feelings and episodes of pain might not be […]

If Left Untreated, Will My Herniated Disc Heal on Its Own?

If Left Untreated, Will My Herniated Disc Heal on Its Own?

Herniated disc. A painful diagnosis that no one wants to hear, much less feel.  One moment you are doing a little gardening or you bend over to pick up a pencil and you can’t straighten back up. When you do, the pain can be excruciating!  It is not uncommon for people to go to the […]

What Can Make Your Sciatica Pain Even Worse? Doing This #1 Thing

What Can Make Your Sciatica Pain Even Worse? Doing This #1 Thing

Let’s face it; back pain is a very bothersome and painful problem. It can interrupt your sleep, your work, and even day-to-day functions suddenly become pain-filled excursions. While the pain of sciatica is quite common, with approximately 4 out of every 10 Americans experiencing this dreadful pain at least once in their lifetime, there is […]

5 Easy Stretches for Sciatica (Instant Pain Relief)

Exercises and Stretches For Sciatica

There is no doubt that the pain of sciatica is, at times, unbearable. This intense pain causes many people to simply remain on the sofa.  The causes of sciatica are quite diverse, with everything from an injury, a ruptured disc, or even spinal stenosis.  The good news here is that you don’t have to live […]