5 Reasons You Should Never be Sorry for Seeing Your Chiropractor Frequently
If you were to go to the grocery store every day, probably no one would question your love of fresh produce or your skills for seeking out whatever was on sale that day. The same is true with massage. If you go to massage therapy or go to have a manicure, or if you play […]
9 Tips for Those Who Hate a Morning Pain in the Neck
If there is one thing that is sure to put a kink in your day, it’s a morning pain in the neck. No, we aren’t referring to your spouse or kids or even your job, but that annoying pain and stiffness in your neck that you notice when you first get out of bed. If […]
5 Tips on How to Avoid Being a Couch Potato and Get More Done!
It seems as though, despite all of our modern-day time saving devices, we are still busy as heck. Have you found that, even though you are trying to eat right and squeeze in some time for exercise, you simply can’t get through that to-do list? You might have tried to get a little pick me […]
7 Ideas for Stopping Hand/Arm Tendonitis You’ve Never Thought Of!
Tendonitis. The invisible condition that causes such intense pain! If you have tendonitis of the elbow, wrist, or forearm, you know not only how painful this is, but how debilitating it is as well! While tendonitis can occur with any tendon in the body and for many people, this usually occurs in the elbow, wrist, […]
7 Myths about Curing Sciatica That Just Won’t Die
Sciatica pain has been around since at least 1764, when an Italian anatomist, Domenico Cotugno, wrote about it in a book. You would think that after all this time, some of the myths surrounding sciatica would have become ancient history, but some myths just won’t die. If you or someone you know is suffering from […]
5 Steps for Correcting Repeated Subluxations (And Preventing a Reoccurrence!)
Virtually anytime you go to see your chiropractor, chances are you will hear them say “you have a vertebral (or several) subluxation.” What does this mean exactly and why does it continue to happen? When your chiropractor speaks of subluxation, they are usually referring to a misalignment in your spine, especially in the lower back […]
Top 5 Cervical Spondylosis Treatments
If you have chronic neck pain and headaches that just don’t seem to go away no matter what you try, you could have cervical spondylosis. If you have been diagnosed with cervical spondylosis you might be wondering what you did to cause this and how you can reverse it. Cervical spondylosis goes by several names, […]
5 Steps to a Wonderful Winter Without Back Pain
Winter is here, and everyone is so excited about all the upcoming events that winter brings; the holidays, winter sports, playing with your kids in the snow, parties and get togethers, the enjoyable things to do in the winter seem endless. That is, unless you suffer from back pain due to cold air. Most people […]
Chiropractor Recommended Mattress: Which Is Best for Back Pain?
When you consider that the average person will sleep eight hours a day (or one-third of each day), then that means you spend one third of your life in bed, which translates to about 25 years, then it’s easy to understand why picking the right mattress is so important. Add in the fact that at […]
5 Tricks to Unlocking Improved Health with Chiropractic
There are some things in life you have no control over and just have to learn to live with it. Your height, your skin color, and the color of your eyes, for example (colored contacts not withstanding). However, every day, you have the opportunity to make decisions regarding your mental, physical, and emotional health. The […]