A female patient lying on her side getting treatment for subluxation by a chiropractor.
A female patient lying on her side getting treatment for subluxation by a chiropractor.

Chiropractor for Subluxations in Anchorage, AK

Is Spinal Subluxation Serious?

What to Expect When Treating Subluxations at Better Health Alaska

Our chiropractors are experts in the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. We understand the interplay between mind and body and the role subluxations play there.

Your First Visit

Your first visit to us will build the foundation for your treatment plan. It’ll begin with your medical history and a thorough discussion about your symptoms and how they’re impacting your life. Next, you’ll get a physical exam, an evaluation, and an official diagnosis.

Typical symptoms of subluxations include, but are not limited to:

  • Pain
  • Dizziness
  • Stiffness
  • Loss of Mobility, etc…

Once we have the diagnosis and the other information, we’ll design and implement a comprehensive treatment plan. The plan will, likely, require a series of office visits across several weeks for hands-on chiropractic adjustments, spinal decompression therapy treatments, and/or the implementation of other modalities.

Benefits of Regular Chiropractic Treatment

Depending upon your specific condition, overall health and age, and adherence to your caregiver’s treatment suggestions, you should begin feeling improvements within the first few visits or so.

Over time, chiropractic care may be able to resolve, or at least manage, your underlying condition. This should lead to a reduction and/or elimination of your symptoms. That means: no more pain, no more dizziness, improved mobility, etc…

Of course, this is not guaranteed. Occasionally, surgery may be required and we can write a referral, if needed. Still, it’s best to begin with conservative measures like chiropractic care. Often, as many of your fellow Anchorage residents can attest to, that will be all you’ll need.

Don’t let subluxations curtail your life. Contact our expert team at 907-346-5255 for prompt, persistent relief.

Visit Better Health Alaska

South Anchorage

What Is Spinal Decompression Therapy?

Okay, what we’re talking about here is an ongoing process by which a vertebral subluxation is causing the communication between your mind and body to be somehow impacted. Since your brain controls every cell in your body, even the slightest nerve interference can cause problems from your head to your toes, depending on the level of nerve pressure and the vertebrae involved. As the International Chiropractors Association puts it, “A vertebral subluxation is a stress response. Muscles go into spasm. Spinal bones lock up. And adjacent nerves are choked or chafed. This interferes with the control and regulation of your body. This garbles communications between the brain and parts of your body.”

What Causes Subluxation?

Because of how many potential causes exist, they’re typically broken down into three classifications – physical, chemical, and emotional or psychological. Physically, anything that puts enough force on vertebrae (directly, or over time) to push them out of alignment. Chemically there are a number of substances, or deficiencies, that can impact spinal musculature and cause subluxations. Stress is often a factor. Psychological tension “carried” or “centered” primarily in the cervical and lumbar spinal regions can occur.

What Are the Symptoms of Subluxation?

Again, because we’re discussing the impingement of central nervous system communication there will be both local and non-localized symptoms in the body. Furthermore, Better Health chiropractors view subluxations as an ongoing process rather than a static condition. This process has a very long list of potential symptoms (from pain and dizziness to stiffness, tingling, loss of mobility, etc.) connected with many vertebrae and nerves in the spine. It’s complex. The first step is scheduling an appointment with a chiropractic clinic to get a professional diagnosis and customized treatment plan.

Which Body Part does Subluxation Affect?

Again, a subluxation has both local (in the specific impacted area) and non-localized (throughout the body) symptoms. An entire list would grow long, but here are a few:

  • Shoulder Subluxation
  • Patellar Subluxation / Knee Subluxation
  • Peroneal Tendon Subluxation
  • Rib Subluxation
  • Cuboid Subluxation
  • Hip Subluxation

If you look into chiropractic medicine, you’ll find very gifted doctors with plenty of research to back the theory that vertebral misalignment can lead to diseased organs and the general breakdown of support systems. Whether directly, or slowly over time, impeded central nervous system communication has a tremendous impact on our lives.

How to Treat Subluxation?

First, get a proper diagnosis so that the cause can be understood and effectively addressed. We believe in a holistic comprehensive approach that incorporates any elements of chiropractic care (adjustments), physical rehabilitation, and chiropractic massage therapy. Ultimately it’s going to depend on the practitioner you choose, how severe the condition, and how responsive you are to changing any lifestyle habits that may increase symptoms. For very severe cases, surgery might an option, along with conventional medications and alternative chiropractic treatments.

How to Prevent Subluxation?

Other than trying your best to avoid injuries and straining your spine and spinal muscles, it’s also about the general practices of eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly to maintain a healthy BMI, practicing good posture, and getting a chiropractic checkup at least a handful of times a year, or as needed.

Same-Day Chiropractic Appointment. 10-Minute Wait Promise.

Better Health Alaska Chiropractors has helped thousands of patients get their life back through safe, effective, and cutting-edge treatments like the Alaska Back Pain Protocol. We use a multi-pronged, non-invasive approach to treat different conditions. And it’s done at a reasonable cost. We accept many types of insurance, and most insured patients pay $25 or less per visit. We even have options for the uninsured.