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Better Health Chiropractic Blog

February 13, 2019

Is there anything sweeter than a really good massage? Massage therapy has to be one of life’s not-talked-about but most decadent pleasures, right up there with a good housekeeper and the perfect cup of coffee. Ok, maybe the housekeeper is…

February 12, 2019

There has certainly been a great deal of talk and speculation when it comes to chiropractic neck adjustments. If you’ve been reading news accounts, an actress suffered a stroke after receiving a neck adjustment at her chiropractor’s office. This was…

February 11, 2019

If you are reading this article, it’s probably because you are experiencing some type of pain in your hips and you wonder if a chiropractor can help. We know you probably have a lot of questions about this as well,…

February 8, 2019

An appointment anywhere new is a bit unsettling, no matter where or who it is you are going to see; a new dentist, hairstylist, and chiropractor. This is even more so if you know next to nothing about what a…

February 7, 2019

If you have children, chances are that you are already well acquainted with ear infections. Even as adults, ear infections and other problems related to the inner ear are fairly common. In the US, it’s estimated that 5 out of…

February 6, 2019

Valentine’s day is just around the corner and we can already hear the groans all over town. It isn’t that people don’t like the idea behind this day of love and showing appreciation for the one you love, but the…

February 5, 2019

Pinched nerves are, quite literally, a pain! Whether they are located in the neck, shoulder, arm, back, or knees, pinched nerves hurt like the dickens and often come with other symptoms, such as numbness. Who wants to have surgery to…

February 4, 2019

For anyone who has ever had neck, back, shoulder, or knee pain, (and let’s be honest, who hasn’t?) you’ve probably considered many different ways to find pain relief. While there are plenty of over the counter pain relievers, creams, lotions,…


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