While most women are familiar with the abdominal cramps, PMS, and headaches that go along with their monthly cycle, not nearly as many are aware that the painful backache you suffer (sometimes before and/or after your monthly cycle) is not only a symptom of PMS but that this problem can be almost eliminated.

Do these things to stop back pain during your period:

  1. Apply heat.
  2. Do light exercises.
  3. Meditate.
  4. Try supplements.
  5. Visit your chiropractor.

Keep reading to learn more about these tips…

One study out of the UK found that 88 percent of women stated that they frequently missed at least one day of work each month due to the pain from their monthly cycle.

There is no denying that most women will go directly to over-the-counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or naproxen; these can come with a heavy price. In one study, the regular use of NSAIDs (such as ibuprofen) found that it can often lead to stomach problems, including bleeding ulcers, fluid retention, high blood pressure, and kidney and heart problems.

Why Do You Have Back Pain During Period?

When your uterus contracts, the nerves around the pelvic region can feel this. Sometimes, the uterus presses on blood vessels in the area, limiting or even cutting off the blood vessels to the muscles in this area entirely. This is one primary reason why you have back pain during your period.

Of course, the uterus only contracts for a few seconds. Repeatedly. For hours on end. If you are nodding your head right now, then you understand the problem. This phenomenon is called “referred pain,” which means you are feeling the pain in one area (the lower back), but the pain is being caused by another area (the uterus). This can cause cramping and lower back pain after your period, during your period, or even before your period.

Don’t be afraid to tell your gynecologist about this. If your cramps and back pain, however, are so debilitating or if they seem to have become much worse over some time, it could mean that you are suffering from fibroids, pelvic inflammatory disease, an infection, or endometriosis. If you are experiencing fever and back pain, you must seek professional help immediately.

How Can I Best Avoid Back Pain During This Time of the Month?

You can use several methods to try to stop, or at the very least limit, back pain during your monthly cycle. Here are five tips you can follow to avoid back pain during your period:

Tip #1: Apply Heat.

This can mean heating pads, a hot water bottle, warm baths, or showers. Since heat increases circulation, any blood vessels being abused by your uterus should have improved blood flow, and muscles surrounding the uterus should relax.

You can’t always pop into a hot bath at work, but many drug stores sell small heat patches with adhesive tape that holds the patch in place. These can be used on the lower abdomen or the lower back, providing you with heat for hours. A simple, old-fashioned hot water bottle is one of the easiest and best ways to alleviate back pain.

Tip #2: Do Light Exercises.

Don’t frown at this one. Yes, you’ve probably heard this before and wondered how you would exercise when you can’t even stand up straight, but most doctors are referring to exercise throughout the month, not just when you are on your period.

Some women find that doing very light exercise, such as yoga or swimming, helps to decrease back pain even if they are on the first or second day of their cycle (which is, for many women, the heaviest and most painful days).

Don’t be tempted to lie in bed because your mattress might be another cause of back pain in addition to your monthly cycle. What mattress do chiropractors recommend for back pain? Find here.

Tip #3: Meditate.

Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it! Meditation is a type of control over your feelings about certain situations. You will note that you are on your period, but the pain isn’t part of the equation.

It takes some practice, but you will be amazed at how much you can reduce pain with a simple 15-minute meditation session. One study found that even after just 30 days, meditation significantly reduced the PMS symptoms compared to the control group.

Tip #4: Try Supplements.

Try consuming omega-3 and magnesium supplements every day of the month.

Omega 3s are known to reduce blood clotting and improve circulation. These are natural anti-inflammatories that also decrease prostaglandin production related to backaches and cramps.

Magnesium supplements, especially those with vitamin B6, can ease back pain before and after your period. One study found that women taking 250 mg of magnesium supplements and 40 mg of vitamin B6 had fewer symptoms, including back pain. If you prefer to eat your magnesium, choose more beans, beets, shrimp, and salmon.

Tip #5: Visit Your Chiropractor.

Like every organ in your body, your uterus must send and receive a proper supply of nerve signals from the brain to the uterus and back again. Your monthly cycle closely relates to the spine due to its location.

Regular chiropractic care can ensure effective communication between the brain and your uterus (as well as all other organs). One study found that regular chiropractic care for one woman who suffered from uterine adenomyosis helped to ease her pain considerably over a four-month time frame, while another study found that, in addition to a healthier diet, chiropractic care was adequate for the management of cramps and low back pain. Seeing a chiropractor for back pain is the right step toward stopping the pain and healing the body.

Seeking help with PMS or back pain during your menstrual cycle? Contact the experts here at Better Health Alaska. Set an appointment on the same day you call or request an appointment through our website forms.

We don’t want to see anyone in pain at Better Health Alaska. Take the first step towards the pain-free life you deserve, and call today for your appointment.

If you’re a woman and you’ve been experiencing heavy periods, consider making regular chiropractic care a habit– it can help those who suffer from menstrual problems. Reproductive organs depend on healthy nerve signals from a person’s lower spinal column. If there’s a blockage, a woman can experience pain, cramps, and heavy bleeding.

A chiropractor can put the lower spine back into its proper alignment, relieving the pressure on the nerves going to a woman’s reproductive organs. This, in turn, helps take away menstrual pain and the often-associated lower back pain during the “time of the month.” Regular chiropractic care has worked wonders for many women.

If you are using alcohol to numb the pain, you should know that lower back pain after drinking is also a thing, so you should not use alcohol as a means of fighting period-related back pain.