Top 5 Unconventional Ways to Find Relief from Pinched Nerves
Pinched nerves are, quite literally, a pain! Whether they are located in the neck, shoulder, arm, back, or knees, pinched nerves hurt like the dickens and often come with other symptoms, such as numbness. Who wants to have surgery to repair a pinched nerve? Exactly! No one! Most people don’t need surgery but by taking […]
Why These Pinched Nerve Symptoms are Not What You Think They Are
Have you ever been having a truly wonderful day and suddenly, everything changes? Maybe you were riding your bike or playing with your kids in the swimming pool. It was a beautiful day until your fingers and arm started to go numb. That tingling sensation, as if your arm had fallen asleep, but it doesn’t […]
Do Pinched Nerves Go Away on Their Own If Left Untreated?
Oh, those pinched nerves! Not quite the same thing as someone getting on your nerves, pinched nerves hurt a great deal more. What is typically called pinched nerves is actually pressure put on the tissue that surrounds a nerve, or when the nerve is irritated by inflammation. Pinched nerves typically cause numbness, tingling feelings, a […]
Top 5 Ways Effective Chiropractic Massage Can Change Your Life
The word “massage” alone can make you close your eyes, take a deep breath, and sigh with remembered pleasures. An age-old remedy, therapeutic massage has been proven to be an effective remedy for many musculoskeletal problems and a terrific compliment to chiropractic treatments. Chiropractic and massage therapy have a great deal in common, such as […]
9 Signs Your Spine is Out of Alignment
How do you know if your spine is misaligned? Good question. Many people go about their everyday lives without giving it much thought. Did you know, however, that a misalignment in your spine can not only be uncomfortable, it can also cause health problems? Because this often happens gradually, most people become accustomed to living […]
5 Reasons You Should Never be Sorry for Seeing Your Chiropractor Frequently
If you were to go to the grocery store every day, probably no one would question your love of fresh produce or your skills for seeking out whatever was on sale that day. The same is true with massage. If you go to massage therapy or go to have a manicure, or if you play […]
5 Ways to Take Control of Your Fibromyalgia (Symptoms, Treatments, and More!)
If you are suffering from fibromyalgia, you probably know more about your condition than most doctors. In the not so distant past, complaints about wide spread pain and fatigue would lead doctors, and even co-workers and family members, to declare that you were lazy or even a bit crazy. Doctors just refused to believe that […]
5 Ways To Prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
If you have tingling or numbness in your wrist, hand, or arm, you may be a bit worried about the potential of carpal tunnel syndrome. Given our current culture’s obsession with scrolling, clicking, and using our hands and thumbs in somewhat unnatural ways on smartphones, tablets, computers, etc., the prevalence of carpal tunnel syndrome is […]
10 Ways to Relieve Morning Stiffness from Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is an incredibly painful condition. It involves your immune system attacking your joints for no known reason, creating internal wear and tear of the cartilage that cushions bones from rubbing against one another, and keeping necessary fluids from running through the joints. The aches, pains, and stiffness that come along with this condition […]
Everyone Should Know These 5 Things about Curing Bulging Discs
At least 80 percent of all Americans will feel back pain at some point in their life. Back pain is so common that it is the #2 reason people go to the emergency room and the #1 reason people take time off from work. The majority of people who are diagnosed with bulging discs are […]